Halloween Rave 2017

  • News
  • 2 min read

The idea of celebrating Halloween has been viewed in several different ways throughout the years. Some celebrate because they enjoy pumpkin carving and watching scary movies. Some celebrate because they enjoy dressing up and scoring as much candy as possible. This year has redefined every possible way Halloween should be celebrated.

Costumes, flashing lights, blow up décor, candy galore, glow stick bracelets, dancing, and lots of memories is how this Halloween was celebrated. Highlands Fellowship pieced together a Rave that brought together all campuses in order to celebrate Halloween the most amazing way! Over 250 middle and high school students gathered in their costumes, surrounded by people who love them and love Jesus, and celebrated Halloween.

This was my first year celebrating Halloween as a Student Coordinator at Highlands Fellowship. While being involved in student ministries, I know there is a lot of pressure to go to the biggest parties and to be surrounded by worldly things. Last night changed the standard on how to celebrate Halloween forever. Just picture it… more than 250 students coming to a church in order to celebrate this holiday!

The Rave was a success, not just because of the numbers that came or the way it was set up for the students, but the fact that middle and high school students thought enough of their church to bring their friends along with them. Students ministering to students on the least Jesus holiday of them all. To me, that is a complete success.

The lights, students’ smiles, and moments for our campuses to join together were beautiful. The most memorable part of the Rave experience was the ending. After partying, eating every single piece of candy, and celebrating Halloween dancing in church, students left the Rave singing “Real Love” on their way out the doors. That is the final reason why I know this Rave was a success.

I often get asked why I decided to serve in student ministry, and last night reaffirmed exactly why I love it so much! Seeing students come together in the real love of Jesus, singing together, laughing together, making memories together, all because of His real love. There are always opportunities to share Jesus and His real love, even while celebrating Halloween at a Rave. That is why I love student ministry. That is why I love Highlands Fellowship. I am looking forward to the 2018 Halloween Rave!

Anna Christine Morrell
Marion Student Coordinator

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